A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Matt and Chris was created for the first Adelaide Game Jam/Jamalaide in November 2011 which was held for 32 hours with a theme of cooperation.

In this game you have to work with the other player to survive. Each player is a square, one red and one blue. They must avoid the circles of the opposite color that are tracking them down. The only way for the circles to be destroyed if for the other player to collide with them.

Chris is myself and Matt is a good friend and fellow jammer.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Nov 19, 2011
AuthorChris Johnson
Made withLÖVE
TagsController, Local multiplayer
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Xbox controller, Gamepad (any)
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 2


mattAndChris_win32_1.2.zip 2.4 MB
mattAndChris_mac1.2.zip 5.4 MB
mattAndChris_linux1.2.zip 667 kB
mattAndChris_src1.2.zip 693 kB

Install instructions

For Linux builds Love 0.8.0 is required.  Can be downloaded from here.

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